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Stores sensitive information Avoids storing in container images, files, or deployment manifests Mount secrets into pods as files or environment variables Kubernetes only makes secrets available to Nodes that have a Pod requesting the secret Secrets are stored in tmpfs on a Node (not on disk)

Best Practice

Enable encryption at rest for cluster data Limit access to etcd (where Secrets are stored) to only admin users Use TLS for etcd peer-to-peer communication Mainifest (Yaml/JSON) files only base64 encode the secret Pods can access secrets so secure which users can create pods. RBAC can be used as well.

Creating Secrets

# From a key/value
kubectl create secret generic [secret-name] --from-literal=pwd=password1234

# from a file
kubectl create secreat from generic secret --from-file=privatekey=~/.ssh/id_rsa

# TLS cert / key
kubectl create secret tls tls-secret --cert=path/to/tls.cert --key=path/to/tls.key

Need to be careful, these files are not secure. Values are only base64 encoded.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
    name: passwords
type: Opaque
    db-password: [base64-encoded-string]
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