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Terminology Cheat Sheet

  • Pod - Basic unit of execution in Kubernetes.
  • Container - An application bundled with all it's dependencies typically run in an isolated environment from other processes.
  • Deployment - An abstraction on top of a ReplicaSet which can handle bringing up and down pods based on configuration changes.
  • ReplicaSet - A resource which handles scaling up a pod to multiple instances.

  • Context - A cluster, user, and namespace combination used when accessing a K8s cluster.

  • Master Node

  • Store
  • Controller Manager
  • Scheduler

  • API Server - Used to manage kubernetes resources. Used by kubectl to manage the cluster. Each Node

  • Kubelet
  • Container Runtime
  • Kube proxy


  • Service - A single point of entry for accessing one or more pods.
  • NodePort - A type of service where a port is exposed on every node in the cluster and redirects traffic to the service.
  • ClusterIP - A type of service where it is exposed internally on an IP address only available in the kubernetes cluster
  • ExternalName - An alias for an external service which can than be accessed through a friendly name in the cluster.
  • LoadBalancer - A type of service where it is loadbalanced and available on a publicly accessible IP through a load balancer.
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